Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

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Building Inspections

As of September 1, 2008, the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District adopted a formal building inspection policy within the boundaries of the District. All new construction and any major renovation must be inspected by the District's certified inspector. If you are a homeowner, builder, remodeler, or the homeowner’s designee, you must follow the "New Construction or Major Renovation General Inspection Guidelines" in order to avoid late penalties and/or termination of water and wastewater service. These guidelines may be reviewed on the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Schedule "A" Fees And Charges

and under the "Apply for Service" section of this web page. The options described under the Apply for Service section vary considerably as to specific requirements for the type of application requested. Please review each option carefully.

The District has contracted, a fully licensed building inspector to provide all district-required inspections within the District boundaries.

The required inspections are as follows:

1) Plumbing Underground Inspection -- Must be completed before the slab is poured

2) Plumbing Top-Out, Electrical, Framing, Mechanical, & HVAC Delivery

3) Final Inspection of Home (Includes CSI & Backflow Inspections)

The District inspector is fully licensed to perform all required inspections.

NOTE: Failure to complete all required inspections can result in denial of water and wastewater service.