Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

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Meeting Minutes

Regular Meetings Of The Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District Are Held Quarterly at 4:45 P.M. in the Board Room Of The Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District, 155 La Salle Drive, Bullard, Texas 75757.

Notice: Minutes Are Posted One Quarter In Arrears. 

Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

Regular Session Minutes

July 15, 2024

The Board of Directors of the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District met in regular session at the District Office, 155 LaSalle Road, Bullard, TX 75757. Present were Directors Cayla Washburn, Inge Grant, Bill Harris, Steve Young, and District Business Manager Laurie Threet.  Becky Kirkpatrick, District Secretary was excused.

President Harris called the meeting to order at 4:29 P.M.

President Harris asks all Directors in attendance if they had received and reviewed the July 2, 2024, minutes. After a positive response of all the present Directors, Director Young moved to approve the Special Session Minutes of July 2, 2024, as written.  Director Grant seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously by all Directors in attendance.

President Harris then called on District Business Manager Laurie Threet to summarize the district’s financial position and possible actions needed to replace emergency expenditures since the start of calendar year 2024.

Ms. Threet noted that the District had emergency expenditures of $97,524.00 to replace and lower the motors, pumps, column pipe, and wire in Wells #1, and #2. She also noted that another emergency expenditure of $105,521.70 to replace and lower the motors, pumps, and column pipe of Well #3 when the submersible well pump failed on June 29th, 2024. Additionally, the current sludge removal system had been upgraded because of the difficulty to use and the inefficiency of the current sludge bagger at a cost of $77,595.00.

Mr. Harris additionally noted in the operations report that the requirement to overhaul Districts Water Wells #1 and #2 became crucial when the pumping draw down water levels of the aquifers had dropped to within 10 to 15 feet above the pumps and the water production of both wells had dropped 25 percent.

He additionally noted that a hole in the casing of Well #1 had developed allowing water from the Queen City Aquifer to co-mingle with the Carrizo-Wilcox Aquifer.

Mr. Harris summarized that even though the district has a large cash balance in the water and wastewater accounts, an estimated expenditure of approximately $700,000.00 of that cash was already committed to the construction of (2) new ground storage tanks to be constructed at Well #1. The TCEQ (Texas Commission on Environmental Quality) has noted to the district that the current ground storage tank needs to be replaced.

Mr. Harris noted that the sludge removal building expansion was complete except for electrical lights, water wash down hoses, and a ceiling heater. He also noted that the relocation of the old 100 kw wastewater plant generator to Lift Station # 3 should be completed by the end of the October board meeting.

The unexpected outlay of funds to correct the problems with the districts water wells and the sludge removal system has created an unexpected shortfall of available emergency cash reserves and needs to be addressed by the Board.

After an open board discussion of all present directors regarding the cash reserve problem, a motion was made by Cayla Washburn to assess the Emerald Bay and Mallards Cove water and waste water rate payers $115.39 and the wastewater customers at Wind Cliff Harbor $30.50, for four months beginning September 01,2024. Director Grant seconded the motion and was approved unanimously by all present Directors.

There being no further business, Director Harris adjourned the meeting at 5:25 PM.


Becky Kirkpatrick, Secretary

View Archived Meeting Minutes

Becky Kirkpatrick

Becky Kirkpatrick, Secretary
Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

William F. Harris

William F. Harris, President
Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District