Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

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Ordinances and Rules


CHAPTER 1 - Introduction
Sec. 1.01 – Authority
Sec. 1.02 – Purpose
Sec. 1.03 – Definitions

CHAPTER 2 – Procedures for Water and Sewer Services
Sec. 2.01 – Applications for Connections; Charges
Sec. 2.02 – Application for Services
Sec. 2.03 – Service Deposits
Sec. 2.04 – Procedure for Connections and Reconnections (Including Taps)
Sec. 2.05 – Maintenance of and Restrictions on Connection Lines
Sec. 2.06 – Water and Wastewater (Sewer) Service Billing
Sec. 2.07 – Fire Protection, Irrigation, and Special Water Connections
Sec. 2.08 – Unauthorized Use of Water and Wastewater Systems
Sec. 2.09 – Disconnection and Reconnection
Sec. 2.10 – Easements
Sec. 2.11 – No Free Service; Line Breaks and Leaks
Sec. 2.12 – Required Service
Sec. 2.13 – Non-Domestic Waste
Sec. 2.14 – Industrial Waste
Sec. 2.15 – Toxic Wastes
Sec. 2.16 – Termination of Water and/or Wastewater Service

CHAPTER 3 – Standards and Procedures for Water and Wastewater Connections
Sec. 3.01 – General Construction and Connection Procedures
Sec. 3.02 – Standards Governing Water Service Lines and Connections
Sec. 3.03 – Standards Governing Wastewater Service Lines and Private Lift Stations
Sec. 3.04 – Connection of Building Sewer Outlet to Service Lines
Sec. 3.05 – Fittings and Cleanouts
Sec. 3.06 – Connection Permits
Sec. 3.07 – Prohibited Uses and Penalties
Sec. 3.08 – Replacement of Faulty Sanitary Sewer System Tap
Sec. 3.09 – Private Sewage Collection Tanks
Sec. 3.10 – Standards Governing Backflow Prevention and Cross-Connection Control

CHAPTER 4 – Drought Contingency Plan and Rules
Sec. 4.01 – Declaration of Policy, Purpose, and Intent
Sec. 4.02 – Public Education
Sec. 4.03 – Coordination with Regional Water Planning Groups
Sec. 4.04 – Authorization
Sec. 4.05 – Application of Plan
Sec. 4.06 – Definitions
Sec. 4.07 – Triggering Criteria for Initiation & Termination of Drought Response Stages
Sec. 4.08 – Drought Response Stages
Sec. 4.09 – Water Rationing – Additional Emergency Conservation Measures
Sec. 4.10 – Violations
Sec. 4.11 – Variances

CHAPTER 5 – Appeals, Violations and Enforcement
Sec. 5.01 – Appeal to Board of Directors
Sec. 5.02 – Penalties for Violations
Sec. 5.03 – Enforcement

CHAPTER 6 – Contract Regulations
Sec. 6.01 – Prohibited Contracts
Sec. 6.02 – Employment Contracts
Sec. 6.03 – Supply Contracts
Sec. 6.04 - Worker’s Compensation Insurance Requirements for Contractors

CHAPTER 7 – Non-Standard Service Requirements
Sec. 7.01 - District’s Limitations
Sec. 7.02 - Purpose
Sec. 7.03 - Definition
Sec. 7.04 - Application of Rules
Sec. 7.05 - Non-Standard Water and/or Wastewater Service Applications
Sec. 7.06 - Design
Sec. 7.07 - Non-Standard Water and/or Wastewater Service Contract
Sec. 7.08 - Property and Right-of-Way Acquisition
Sec. 7.09 - Bids for Construction
Sec. 7.10 - Pre-Payment for Construction and Service
Sec. 7.11 - Construction
Sec. 7.12 - Water and/or Wastewater Service Within Subdivision
Sec. 7.13 - Exception
Sec. 7.14 - Variances/Amendments 

Schedule “A” – Schedule A Rates & Fees.pdf
(1) Water Service Fees and Charges
(2) Sewer Service Fees and Charges
(3) Roads and Bridges Maintenance Fee

Schedule B – Information Packet for Non-Standard Water and/or Wastewater Subdivision Service for Off-Site Development
(1) Definitions
(2) Procedures for Serving Subdivisions
(3) Appendix 1A - Preliminary Application for Non-Standard Water and/or Wastewater Subdivision Service for Off-Site Development
(4) Non-Standard Water and/or Wastewater Subdivision Agreement

Click Here to Print: Appendix 1A - Preliminary Application for Offsite Service
Non-Standard Water and/or Wastewater Subdivision Service Agreement

Schedule C – Information Packet for Non-Standard Water and/or Wastewater Subdivision Service for Interior Development/Improvements
(1) Definitions
(2) Procedures for Serving Subdivisions
(3) Appendix 1B - Preliminary Application for Non-Standard Water and/or Wastewater Subdivision Service for Interior Development
(4) Non-Standard Wanter and/or Wastewater Subdivision Service Agreement

Click Here to Print: Appendix 1B - Preliminary Application for Interior Service
Non-Standard Water and/or Wastewater Subdivision Service Agreement