Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

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How to apply for a required plumbing inspection permit if the property on which the construction and/or renovation is planned already has water and/or wastewater service.

To apply for the required plumbing inspection for new residential/commercial construction or a major renovation project, there are several steps that must be completed in order to receive permanent water and wastewater service.

First, you and your builder must meet jointly with the EMERALD BAY HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION and a representative of the EMERALD BAY MUNICIPAL UTILITY DISTRICT. This meeting is to ensure that your plans and specifications meet the requirements of the Emerald Bay Homeowners Association Rules and Restrictive Covenants. Additionally, the representative of the Municipal District will look at your plans and assist you in making sure that your home's foundation does not violate any water or sewer line easements. An actual site visit with the District representative and the builder/homeowner is usually necessary to establish the correct locations of water and sewer line locations and easements. These easements may be either recorded or implied depending on the length of time the lines have been in service.

Once Emerald Bay Homeowners Association requirements have been approved and the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District has established that there are no easement violations created by the renovation or new construction, the Emerald Bay Homeowners Association will issue a General Building Permit with a permit number. Please note that the General Building Permit fee amount is determined by, and is paid directly to the Homeowners Association. This permit must be posted in plain sight at the construction site.

Please note that you must make an application, pay all required fees, and fund a REQUIRED PLUMBING INSPECTION ESCROW ACCOUNT before the start of construction. Each renovation is considered unique and the required inspections will be determined by District personnel at the time of application.

A plumbing inspection escrow account is money held in escrow by the District to pay the cost of plumbing inspections during the construction process. All money held in the account is disbursed directly to the plumbing inspector as various inspections are completed and approved. No money is disbursed to the inspector until an inspection stage is completed, signed off by the inspector, and the inspection report for a particular stage of inspection is on file at the district office.

Fees due at application are "Water and Wastewater Transfer Fees (If Required), and funding to create an "Escrow Account". 

To make an application for a "Plumbing Permit" and "Transfer Water and Wastewater Service" (If Required), select and print the following documents:

Note: These items are only required if the property has been recently purchased and the new owners have not transferred the existing water and Wastewater service.

2) Application for Transfer of Water and/or Wastewater Service

3) Water Service Agreement

4) Wastewater Agreement

5) Authorization for Unpaid Obligations Letter   Authorization for Unpaid Obligations Signature Page

6) Water Leak Policy

7) Purchaser's Notice-Emerald Bay MUD

8) Emerald Bay - District's Notice

Complete all required documents and bring them, along with a copy of your General Building Permit issued by the Emerald Bay Homeowners Association to the District office at the following address:

Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

155 La Salle Drive

Bullard, TX 75757

Phone: (903) 825-6960

Fax: (903) 825-7589

The District office is open Monday thru Friday, between 7:30 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. to apply for new services and pay the required fees.

IMPORTANT NOTE: District rules allow (1) YEAR from the time of "Application for Service" to complete all Plumbing Inspections, TRCC Inspections, CSI Inspections, and Backflow Test/Maintenance Reports on new construction or major renovations. A homeowner/builder may request additional time to complete any required inspections by petitioning the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District Board of Directors. Once all inspection documentation is completed, approved, and on file at the district office, PERMANENT WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICE WILL BEGIN.