Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

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Rates & Fees

Schedule A Rates & Fees



Effective March 1, 2018

Updated January 1, 2025

Water and Sewer Service Fees and Charges; Construction Permits and Inspections

            These Regulations are adopted pursuant to the authority granted to Municipal Utility Districts by the Texas Legislature, under Chapters 49 and 54 of the Texas Water Code.

                The District shall adopt a schedule of fees and charges which includes any required deposit for water and sewer service, connection and reconnection fees for water and sewer service,  and rates for water and sewer service.  The fees shall be reviewed periodically by the District. 

                The District has adopted procedures for new residential construction, remodeling projects, and inspections. A construction permit application must be submitted and approved prior to the commencement of any new construction or remodeling projects.

                Failure to make application prior to the start of construction of new residences or substantial repairs or renovations of $10,000 or more involving water and/or sanitary sewer plumbing will result in a 50% penalty being assessed with respect to all required fees and escrow costs and, furthermore, such failure could delay water and wastewater service activation.

Late fees for delinquent accounts are $10 or 10% of billed amount, whichever is greater

 (1)  Water Service Fees and ChargesResidential                       (Amended effective June 01, 2023)

Base (Flat) Rate—Monthly Minimum (includes 2,000 gallons)  

                                5/8” or 3/4” meter                                                                             $    72.33

                                1” meter                                                                                               $    89.99

                                1-1/2” meter                                                                                       $  168.90

                                2” meter                                                                                               $  264.90

                                3” meter                                                                                               $  507.30

2,001-10,000 Gallons (Rate /1,000 Gallons)                                                   $  3.25

Over 10,000 Gallons (Rate /1,000 Gallons)                                                     $  4.00

(2)  Water Service Fees and ChargesCommercial                    (Amended effective January 01, 2025)

Base (Flat) Rate

                                5/8” or 3/4” meter                                                                             $    73.64

                                1” meter                                                                                               $    89.99

                                1-1/2” meter                                                                                       $  168.90

                                2” meter                                                                                               $  264.90

                                3” meter                                                                                               $  507.30

0-2,000 Gallons                                                                                                    $  2.00

2,001- 5,000 Gallons (Rate /1,000 Gallons)                                                    $  3.25

5001 – 10,000 Gallons (Rate /1,000 Gallons)                                                 $  3.50

Over 10,000 Gallons (Rate /1,000 Gallons)                                                     $  4.25

(3)  Water Service Fees and ChargesIndustrial                        (Amended effective January 01, 2025)

Base (Flate) Rate                                 

                                5/8” or 3/4” meter                                                                             $    73.64

                                1” meter                                                                                               $    89.99

                                1-1/2” meter                                                                                       $  168.90

                                2” meter                                                                                               $  264.90

                                3” meter                                                                                               $  507.30

0 – 2,000 Gallons (Rate /1,000 Gallons)                                                          $  3.18

2,001 – 5,000 Gallons (Rate /1,000 Gallons)                                                  $  3.25

5,001 – 10,000 Gallons (Rate /1,000 Gallons)                                                $  3.50

Over 10,000 Gallons (Rate/1,000 Gallons)                                                      $  4.25

(4)  Sewer Service Fees and ChargesResidential                     (Amended effective June 01,2023)

Base (Flat) Rate                                                                                                                    $    48.87

(5)  Sewer Service Fees and ChargesCommercial                       (Amended effective January 01,2025)

Base (Flat) Rate                   

                                5/8” or 3/4” meter                                                                             $    61.81

                                1” meter                                                                                               $    64.50

                                1-1/2” meter                                                                                       $    71.85

(6)  Sewer Service Fees and Charges - Industrial Facilities      (Amended effective January 01,2025)

Facilities using Heavy Metals, Pesticides, Silts, Cleaning Products or Other Chemicals.

Base (Flate) Rate - Monthly Minimum (includes 150,000 gallons)                                           

                                5/8” or 3/4” meter                                                                             $  108.17

                                1” meter                                                                                               $  115.32

                                1-1/2” meter                                                                                       $  129.33

Over 150,000 Gallons (Rate/1,000 Gallons)                                                    $  6.742

(7)  Sewer Service Fees and Charges - Industrial Facilities      (Amended effective January 01,2025)

Food and Beverage Industry, Moblie Home and RV Parks, Camp Grounds and Resorts

Base (Flate) Rate - Monthly Minimum (includes 600,000 gallons)

                                1-1/2” meter                                                                                       $ 1,998.60

                                2” meter                                                                                               $ 2,085.78

Over 600,000 Gallons (Rate/1,000 Gallons)                                                    $  6.742

(8)  Roads and Bridges Maintenance Fee                                                             

Monthly Service Charge Per Platted Lot                                                                         $   8.00  

(9)  Fire Line Fee                                                                        (Amended effective January 01, 2025)

Monthly Fee Per Fire Hydrant

                                6” Hydrate (Rate/per Hydrant)                                                         $  1.59

                                8” Hydrate (Rate/per Hydrant)                                                         $  2.41

                                10” Hydrate (Rate/per Hydrant)                                                       $  4.13

(10)  Miscellanious Fees and Charges                                         (Amended effective January 01, 2025)

Water Meter Test Fee        (within 2 years of last test)                                                                $    50.00

Water Meter Reread Fee (3rd time in 1 year of last test)                                             $    25.00

Meter Removal                                                                                                                    $  180.00

Meter Reset                                                                                                                          $  180.00                              

Check for a Leak (1 free in 12mo period)                                                                       $    50.00

Data Logging                                                                                                                         $    50.00

Mark Sewer/Water Lines (2 Free in 12mo period)                                                       $    25.00

Requested Shut off/on at the valve without Digging                                                    $    25.00

        -Digging, Pumping of Water, ect.                                                                             $    50.00

Trip Charge - After Hours Emergency Calls on Customer Side                                    $  100.00

MUD Labor Fee per/hour (Per Operator)                                                                       $    85.00

Fee to Lock/Unlock Water Meter                                                                                     $  100.00

Water Termination Fee                                                                                                      $  100.00                              

Water Reconnection Fee                                                                                                   $  100.00

Fees for termination and/or reconnection of sewer service are charged

based on the actual cost per incident.

(11)  Transfer Fees

New Member UtilityTransfer Fee                                                                                   $ 350.00

 (combined fee for water and sewer)                                             

Member/Member Utility Transfer Fee                                                                           $ 150.00

purchasing member onlyeffective 5/21/07               

(combined fee for water and sewer)

Service Deposit                                                                                                                    $ 350.00  

(combined fee for water and sewer

(Amended effective April 7, 2014)

(12)  Required Deposits                                                (Amended effective August 19, 2019)

Reverse Mortgages                                              Equal to One (1) Year’s Assessment Fees

(Assessment fees include Roads)

Home Equity Loan or Line of Credit                 Equal to One (1) Year’s Assessment Fees

(Assessment Fees include Roads)

Refusal to Sign Authorization For Unpaid Obligations                                                  $  350.00

Residents on Club Restriction                                                                                           $  350.00

(13)  Construction Fees

New Residential Construction Permit - Base Fee                                                          $ 1,000.00

                Plus: square footage under roof charged                                                       $  0.15/sq ft

Any structural addition or remodeling - Flat Fee                                                          $  100.00

Swimming Pool Construction Flat Fee                                                                             $  100.00

Plumbing, Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections                                                        $  150.00/Inspection

Swimming Pool Inspection - Flat Fee                                                                               $    50.00

Demolition Permit - Flat Fee                                                                                             $  300.00

New Construction Tap Fees                                                                                              $  750.00/Tap

                                                                (plus applicable parts and labor)

(Any road or other boring required for individual tap to be charged at actual cost.)

(14)  Construction Permits and Inspections                     (Amended effective November 23, 2021)

Consideration is to be given, in accordance with the District’s interest in one or more easements described below for the purpose of constructing, reconstructing, inspecting, testing, maintaining and operating a fresh water line or lines, and sewage collection line or lines, with meters and other equipment necessary to supply potable water, and sewage collection.

(a) The easement or easements shall be a width of ten (10) feet and extend along the property line; the boundary line of any road (public or private) which borders the above tract; and/or centered on the centerline of the line(s) as constructed through said tract; so that water may be piped to each lot or parcel.  Furthermore, the easement or easements shall extend along the property line and/or boundary line of any road (public or private) which may be constructed through said tract, so that water may be piped to each lot or parcel in said tract as further development occurs.

(b) The easement or easements shall be: 1) a radius of five (5) feet from the center point of the Company owned potable water meter, 2) a width of five (5) feet on each side of the Company owned potable water service line and shall extend along the Company owned potable water service line to the property boundary line of the above tract, lot or parcel of land, and 3) a radius of five (5) feet from the center point of a fire hydrant location determined by the district engineer.

(c) The easement or easements shall be a width of ten (10) feet and shall follow the centerline of the sanitary sewer line(s) as constructed through said tract, so that sanitary sewer may be collected from each lot or parcel in said tract.

NOTE:  A State Regulatory Assessment equal to one-half percent (0.5%) of the charge for retail water and sewer service shall be collected from each customer.