Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

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On behalf of the Directors of the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District, I want to welcome all realtors to the District's Website. It is intended that the information on this website provide you and your clients with all the information necessary to transfer water and wastewater services when real property is bought and sold within the boundaries of the District, Windcliff Harbor, and Mallards Cove.

It is required that the Purchaser's Notice-Emerald Bay MUD and the Emerald Bay - District's Notice be signed at closing.

When you are assisting clients who are relocating to or leaving the Emerald Bay/Windcliff Harbor/Mallards Cove communities, it is advantageous for them to review this website giving special attention to the "Apply for Service" section. There are requirements that the District has placed into effect concerning the transfer of utility services that will help your clients streamline the process of transfer. These requirements will also keep the District in compliance with current Texas State Laws and District Ordinances & Rules.

The District requires that septic tanks be disabled and the property be connected directly to the District's wastewater collection system when a home changes ownership. Please contact a District Officer if you are involved with the sale of any of these listed properties.

                                                                                                                                        106 Williamsburg Lane

                                                                                                                                        108 Williamsburg Lane

                                                                                                                                        112 South Bay Drive

                                                                                                                                            22781 CR 1174

Additionally, some mortgage lending organizations may request a copy of the District's "CERTIFICATE OF CONVENIENCE AND NECESSITY" (CCN). This document is issued to all water purveyors in Texas by The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

Lastly, we have provided links that we hope will help you and your clients locate some of the additional services generally needed when buying or selling property.


William F. Harris

William F. Harris 

Links for Newcomers

About Retail Electric Suppliers

Texas Electric Choice
Welcome to the Texas Electric Choice Website. The official electric choice website of the Public Utility Commission of Texas where you can learn about the electric competition in Texas and obtain information to help you make informed decisions about your electricity service and retail electric providers. Select from the categories above to learn about electric choice and the options available for you in the marketplace.

Cellular Telephone Service

Below are several links to major cellular services in the area. You should study them carefully to determine which service offers the best overall communications package for the Emerald Bay Community. Additionally, the signal strength may vary significantly from one service to another in the Emerald Bay Area.


Electric Transmission Utilities

Oncor Electric Delivery
Oncor Electric Delivery provides electric transmission services that transmit electricity to the Emerald Bay Community from your retail electric supplier. Oncor is NOT a retail supplier of electricity. They maintain the power grid, poles, read and maintain electric meters, transformers, etc. Power outages should be reported to Oncor, not your electricity retailer.

Internet Service Providers

Below are the current high-speed internet service providers that service the Emerald Bay Community. You should study them carefully to determine which service offers the best overall package for your needs.

CenturyLink - DSL Service via Telephone Land Lines
Suddenlink - Cable Modem Service via Cable TV Service
Digicom Communications - Wireless Broadband

Land Line Telephone Service

CenturyLink is the landline telephone service that services the Emerald Bay Community. They also offer a broad array of additional communications services including DSL Internet Services.

Local News Paper

Tyler Morning Telegraph
The website for the Tyler Morning Telegraph and Tyler Courier-Times--Telegraph offers complete coverage of East Texas' news, weather, sports, and communities.

Plumbing Customer Service Inspectors

CSI Inspectors and Backflow Device Testors
This link will take you to a list of licensed customer service inspectors and backflow device testers. State law requires that water service connections be inspected for lead, copper, cross-connection, and other potential sources of contamination by licensed inspectors.


Smith County Appraisal District
Appraisal districts are established in each county and are responsible for appraising property in the district for ad valorem tax purposes. Appraisal districts appraise property for all taxing units in the district.

Tyler Economic Development Council
The Tyler Economic Development Council (TEDC) was formed in 1989 to diversify the economic base of Tyler/Smith County and to create new job opportunities.