Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

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How to apply for new service and/or transfer of service from the Windcliff Harbor subdivision.

Although the Windcliff Harbor subdivision is NOT within the boundaries of the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District, residents who wish to connect to the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District wastewater collection system may do so on a contractual basis after making an application to the District. It should be noted that the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District does NOT provide potable water service to the Windcliff Harbor subdivision.

It should also be noted that all connections to the District's wastewater collection system are made via individual private lift stations and pressure lines that connect to the District's collection system. The District takes maintenance responsibility for ONLY the portion of the pressure lines that lie within the boundaries of the District. The private lift stations and pressure lines that lie outside the District boundaries are the sole responsibility of the individual property owner. Additionally, it is recommended that you review the Rates and Fees section of this webpage before you make an application.

The application process for connecting a private residence to the District's wastewater system is outlined below: Windcliff Harbor Paperwork Instructions

Windcliff Harbor_Wastewater Service Agreement  

 After completing the required documents, bring them to the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District office. All fees are due upon application.

Drafting is available for monthly payments. Complete the Debit Authorization Form and submit it, along with a voided check, to our office. 

Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

155 La Salle Drive

Bullard, TX 75757

Phone: (903) 825-6960

Fax: (903) 825-7589

Monday thru Friday, between the hours of 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

IMPORTANT NOTE: If you are not a resident of the Emerald Bay Community, you must call the District office in advance of your visit. The District office will notify the Emerald Bay Security Gate to authorize your entry into Emerald Bay.

Please take a few moments to familiarize yourself with the Rates and Fees section and the Ordinances and Rules section of this webpage.

If you have any questions regarding this process or any other issue, please feel free to contact a District Officer directly.