Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District

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Apply for Service


When a new or current member of the Emerald Bay Club/Homeowners Association purchases a property from a current member of the Emerald Bay Club/HOA, several steps must be completed in order to transfer and receive permanent water and wastewater service.

First, it is recommended that you review the Rates & Fees section before you make an application.

The fees for the transfer of service to a new member are different from the fees required to transfer service to a current member, and all fees are due at the time of application.

The next step is to apply to the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District for TEMPORARY WATER AND WASTEWATER SERVICE.  You may wish to print the forms from this section, however, we recommend you contact our office to make arrangements to complete the required service packet for a smooth transfer of services. The water meter will remain locked until all paperwork has been completed and returned to our office.

Before permanent service is granted, the service address must have a Customer Service Inspection (CSI) performed by one of our approved inspectors. The cost of this inspection is $50.00 and will be due at the time of inspection. IF THE SERVICE LOCATION FAILS TO PASS THE CSI, IT MUST BE BROUGHT INTO COMPLIANCE WITH THE CURRENT STATE LAWS AND/OR LOCAL DISTRICT ORDINANCES FOR SERVICES TO CONTINUE. 

Additionally, any existing or new backflow devices required by the Customer Service Inspection (CSI) must be inspected and certified by a licensed inspector to be in proper working order. A separate Backflow Test and Maintenance Report is required for each backflow device, and the costs vary by an inspector.

CSI Inspections, Backflow Tests, and Maintenance Reports MUST be completed and on file at the District office within (30) THIRTY DAYS of application for services to continue. 

If you are building a new home or purchasing a pre-owned home that resides within the boundaries of the Emerald Bay Homeowners Association and the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District, or desire to terminate/reinstate water service to an existing meter, please select from the list of options below.

If you are a resident or potential new resident of the Windcliff Harbor subdivision located adjacent to and on the northern boundary of the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District, PLEASE CLICK HERE.

If you are a resident or potential new resident of the Mallards Cove subdivision located adjacent to and on the southern boundary of the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District, 


(1) New construction on a vacant lot with no water and/or wastewater service

(2) New construction and/or renovation if the property already has water and/or wastewater service

Note: Options (3) thru (6) may also apply to option (2) if there is a transfer of ownership or reinstatement of service required before the start of construction.

(3) Transfer the water and/or wastewater service of a pre-owned home to a current member**

(4) Transfer the water and/or wastewater service of a pre-owned home to a new member*

5) Application for Lot Only

(5) How to request termination of water service to an existing meter

(6) How to request reinstatement of water service to an existing meter

* A New Member is defined as a person or persons who have applied for membership and been accepted to Emerald Bay Club and Emerald Bay Homeowners Association and is in the process of purchasing real property within the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District.

** A Current Member is defined as a person or persons who is already a member in good standing of the Emerald Bay Homeowners Association, Emerald Bay Club, and a current water and wastewater service subscriber of the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District. An existing member must own real property within the boundaries of the Emerald Bay Municipal Utility District.

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